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JSU Online | Jackson State University > Distance Learning Course Approval

Distance Learning Course Approval

Proposals to offer existing courses via distance education must be submitted to JSUOnline for approval.  The proposal packet for each course must contain the Course Proposal Form, the Course Action Form, and a course syllabus that has been created using the template for online courses.

The department chair’s signature on the Course Proposal and Course Action Forms indicates that the course has met the requirements set forth by the University’s traditional course approval procedures (e.g., University Undergraduate or Graduate Curriculum Committees). After the course is approved, the faculty member initiates the process of getting course materials online.

Course Approval Forms:

For Canvas Enhanced courses

If the online course instructor plans to use Canvas to supplement course instruction in the traditional (face-to-face) course,  “Yes” for “Supplement” should be selected in the Canvas Course Delivery section on the Master Schedule File:

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One of the nation’s top historically black colleges and universities (HBCU), JSU provides a culture of self-discovery and shared experience where its students are able to develop strong sense of self in a challenging yet nurturing environment that empowers them for personal and professional success.

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Through distance learning, traditional and nontraditional students have the opportunity to receive quality instruction without the limitations of geographical boundaries and space.

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